According to the Yellow Emperor's internal classic passed down from 2,200 years ago, acupuncture has three major uses. It could: 1. clear the meridians, 2. harmonize the yin and yang, and 3. support the positive factors to expel the evil factors.
According to modern medical research, acupuncture can:
1. Reduce systemic inflammation levels and achieve local and/or systemic analgesic effects;
2. Relieve the visceral function of hyperthyroidism, and at the same time make up for the lack of visceral function, thus maintaining the body's dynamic balance; and
3. Restore and enhance the cell's self-purification, immunity and regenerative capacity, enabling both health and longevity to be achieved simultaneously.
At Yu Health Care TCM Clinic, we offer our signature treatment, Yu Acupuncture⊕, as the most natural health care program. It activates the body's self defense mechanisms to maximize your natural healing power to live a healthy and disease-free life.
Yu Health Care TCM Clinic was established since 2005 by Dr. Yu Rong. He holds a medical doctorate in TCM (Zhejiang Chinese Medical University) and a Ph.D. in medical science (Graduate School of Medicine of Tokyo University), and had gone through internal medicine training in Berlin, Germany. Dr.Yu is also a master of Chinese Taichi and Japanese martial arts.
Yu Acupuncture⊕ is wholly developed by Dr. Yu Rong based on modern and Chinese medicines.
Yu Acupuncture⊕ draws on a holistic combination of:
⊕ Acupuncture to restore the yin yang balance;
⊕ Manual therapy to correct the structural alignment;
⊕ Nutrition and lifestyle advices to improve body constitution and to reduce internal inflammation level; and
⊕ Taichi breathing method and movements to promote basal metabolism,
to create a good foundation for a truly healthy life.
The ultimate aim of Yu Acupuncture⊕ is to restore the body to homeostasis at the cellular level.
Yu Acupuncture⊕ identifies the underlying source of the illness in order to apply the correct set of treatments to alleviate the symptoms and to treat the illness. Every treatment is tailored to your conditions based on the vast knowledge and years of clinical experience of Dr. Yu Rong.
We are committed to providing safe treatment as well as achieving the maximum effect.
Wir kamen nach Japan als ich im vierten Monat schwanger war (ich war 41 Jahre alt und mit meinem ersten Kind schwanger). Dr. Yu war so hilfsbereit und unterstütztend und hat uns mit all seinem medizinischen und persönlichen Wissen unterstützt. In der Schwangerschaft ging ich regelmäßig in seine Tai Chi Klassen und bekam Unterstützung durch seine Akupunkturbehandlungen. Diese haben mir sehr geholfen- besonders meinen Blutdruck zu regulieren, der in der Schwangerschaft vermehrt erhöht war. Die Musik, die wir bei der Tai Chi Klasse verwenden, hat mich sehr bei der Geburt mit HypnoBirthing unterstützt. Auch nach der Geburt, als ich noch nicht so mobil war um nach Tokio in seine Ordination zu kommen, half er steht’s via Telefon und SMS wenn es um gesundheitliche Fragen ging - in meinem Fall um Mastitis (Brustdrüsenentzündung). Ich freue mich sehr Dr. Yu meinen Arzt nennen zu dürfen und freue mich schon auf meine nächste Behandlung bei ihm.
N. 様
※ By Appointment Only ※
Tuesday ~ Friday 9:00 - 20:00
Saturday 9:00 - 18:00
Sunday* 9:00 - 12:00
Monday &
National holidays Closed
*Sunday is reserved for returning patients and for the monthly Qigong & Taichi class. Thank you for your understanding.
Oak Terrace #103
Nakacho 2-38-5
Meguro City, Tokyo
Subway:Toyoko Line (Yutenji station) 7 minutes walk
(Yutenji Temple stop) 2 minutes walk
Car:1 free parking space may be available / please contact us